The answer to all your travel
needs in a single app

Stay updated and travel with peace of mind
Real-time updates on delays, cancellations, gate changes and travel information.
Share your itinerary and keep your friends and family updated in real time in multiple languages.
Collect your boarding passes digitally, and view statistics on your flights.
All your travel info at your fingertips
Everything you need at the airport: arrival and departure times, gate locations, dining options, all categories of shops…
Also access information from all the world’s airlines and stay up to date on the COVID 19 situation in different countries.

Discover our services available for purchase in the app
Protect your luggage and claim up to €4,000, purchase VIP lounge passes, get a 30% discount on medical insurance and discover all the other benefits we have designed for you.

We wanted to make the sostravel experience clearer
and easier: from now on you can also buy sostravel
services from our online shop!

Need help?
The answer to all your travel
needs in a single app
Stay updated and travel with peace of mind

All your travel info at your fingertips

Discover our services available for purchase in the app

We wanted to make the sostravel experience clearer
and easier: from now on you can also buy sostravel
services from our online shop!